
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lebron Mania

just read this quote and thought it was hilarious..

"In addition,, an online retailer owned by Cavs owner Dan Gilbert dropped, the price of its LeBron Fathead wall decals from $99.99 to $17.41, which happens to be the same year Revolutionary War traitor Benedict Arnold was born."

if you don't know, fatheads are life size posters of superstar athletes. i can understand exactly where dan gilbert and the city of cleveland is coming from. i sympathize with them to the fullest degree. i don't get how people (especially men (with their egos and pride bustin out)) can sit back and say that it was the "right" move for lebron. it wasn't the "right" move, instead, to me, it was just the easy way out. i'm not gonna sit here and be a dumb-ass and say that i'm NOT excited for the NBA season but what I can say is that with all of that boner popping excitement is a feeling of disappointment and let down. because to me, a "superstar" is yes indeed measured by how many championships he/she has won but the road to that championship should also be just as legendary as the superstar itself. in terms of an analogy, i would have to say its sort of like david defeating goliath with a gun.. because sure, the feat in itself is amazing but beyond that, nothing is worth noting since he did kill him with.. a.. gun. and in this case, the gun would be chris bosh and dwayne wade.

if anyone is actually reading this, mah-bad if the grammar or some shit is just outta whack. i type my shit up on the whim on the go let me mind jus flo and i dont EVER re-read my post. my thoughts in one edit is what you get.

oh yeah dont watch PRedators. sucks crap.

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