"Ghost Riding Naked"
As the month of September began to roll around, I started to wonder about how I would feel at a school like UC Santa Cruz. To begin with, the school is very liberal and it really shouldn't bug you out if you saw a guy with long hair trying to tight walk the hand rails outside of your politics class. After going through a full week of classes and with two of them being a writing class going over illegal immigration as well as a politics class going over foreign policy, liberalism is just oozing from the minds of all of these banana slugs. I mean you hear the occasional conservatives but they get destroyed by the mary jane smoking long hair don't care mcdougles the next second. But I'll stop going off on to tangents and get back to the title of the post. Today's forecast said rain and we sure did get a lot of it. It is still raining as I type actually. Moving along with the story... so for the longest time I think like back to the 70's, UC Santa Cruz has had a tradition regarding running naked through the entire school on the academic period's first rain. The tradition was brought up by the kids at Porter college which stereotypically consists of a bunch of art majors that have nothing better to do than just... draw I guess. So at around 11:45 PM it started to just pour. As the rain was hitting the ground I could hear the kids from the 2nd - 4th floor just hustling like hell out of their rooms and making their ways down to McLaughlin Drive (the main street that runs through the entire campus) and as they are running, so are the few naked stranglers. The nudies start out in like pairs and eventually they turn into a group of probably 200+. I mean these art majors roll deep in the one point five hundred. Being like everyone else, the porch lifers scurry down to the main road to see whadafuxup with the noise. It was really a once in a life time experience. When the hell else are you going to see a bunch of people running naked in the rain chanting "LETS GO NAKED, LETS GO!". And now that I'm back in my room thinking about it there is only one thing I can say... only in Santa Cruz. This was long as hell and it's about 2:30 AM so I'm going to go and hopefully get some sleep if my roommate isn't snoring himself and myself to deaf no pun intended. peaceasy sleezies and stay up.
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