What has happened to the United States? As the most powerful nation in the world shouldn't it be lending a helping hand to everyone and anyone who is in need? In light of Hurricane Katrina and the horribly slow reconstruction of the South, it becomes even more disgusting when a country decides to put its political issues ahead of saving innocent people's lives. If an earthquake of 7.2 magnitude had hit an allied country, the U.S. would have put as much publicity on themselves in order to show the world that they are always there to give a helping hand, but instead, when a non ally and prime competitor in China gets devastated, we don't do shit. As hard as it might be for some people to realize, every single one of us are human beings. We all share the exact same anatomy and the only distinction between myself and a kid living in Ethiopia or China all has to do with nurture and the environment in which I grew up in. If I were in an Ethiopian kid's position, I would physically and mentally be in the same shape that he would be in and vice versa. So stop creating dividing lines and do what you can to potentially save the lives of thousands upon thousands of people who are in dire need of help in China.
I should be finishing an essay thats due in three hours, but after I saw the updates regarding the issue and how shitty the treatment and publicity has been regarding the issue, I just had to let out some steam. Happy Thursday.